Our story

The reason we’re here is really quite simple. We want you to launch competitive products.

The modular message

We founded CPC in 2007 with a strong belief that Modular Architectures and configuration systems could revolutionize entire industries. And that’s the mission we’ve been working on ever since.

Our methodology is built upon classic Systems Theory combined with Integrated Product Development that both have a strong history at the Technical University of Denmark. On top of this, we have added powerful visualization, a fact-based approach, and a powerful toolbox to clear the road for successful Modular Architectures.

Like democratic design, our genuine wish is for all industrial companies to apply this thinking and take advantage of the benefits. And we will not stop until we get there.

Today, we are still true to our academic heritage, but we are also giving more focus to the aspects of IT and people. IT because companies are run by IT systems. And people, because moving towards Modular Architectures also represents a personal journey of change for most companies. New mindset, new ways of working, new roles, and responsibilities are all necessary elements of success.

Ulf Harlou

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